We have lots of books with great examples of resumes and cover letters - look in our Adult Non-fiction section under the number 650.14, or ask a librarian at the Reference Desk to find one for you.
You can also make an appointment for a half-hour session to get you started with a resume or cover letter or get help with basic formatting.
If you have Microsoft Word, you can usually find templates there by selecting File - New - Templates - On My Computer - Other Documents. It is hard to find good samples online. Most links lead to examples you have to pay for. This link leads to free samples, but they are in pdf format and therefore can't be edited: http://msn.careerbuilder.com/Custom/MSN/resumesamples.aspx
Try going to www.about.com and searching for "resume."
Many of the job hunting websites have good articles about resumes, for example, http://careerbuilder.com/Article/CB-1060-Cover-Letters-and-Resumes-How-to-Write-a-Winning-R%c3%a9sum%c3%a9/
In general, remember that there are no hard and fast rules for resumes, and the best format is the one that best shows your skills and accomplishments.